Unlocking the Power of Redis: A Comprehensive Introduction to Redis Database Technology

Mohd Mujtaba
4 min readJan 18, 2024


​​The open-source, in-memory data store used by millions of developers as a cache, vector database, document database, streaming engine, and message broker. — Redis Docs

​​Key Features of Redis:

​​In-memory Storage: Redis keeps data in RAM, enabling lightning-fast read and write operations.​​

​​Data Structures: Redis supports various data structures like strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets and more, making it versatile for different use cases.

​​​​Atomic Operations: Redis ensures atomicity for operations, providing reliability in multi-step operations.

​​​​Persistence Options: While primarily an in-memory store, Redis offers persistence options, allowing data to be saved to disk for durability. RDB (Redis Database) and AOF (Append only file). Click to read more

​​​​Organisation using redis — Twitter, Github, Snapchat .. many more and Wealthy as well ​😃​

​​​​Getting started with redis-cli:

Installation → brew install redis
Connect → redis-cli -h host_name -p port_number -n database_number
Client Libraries → Redis support more than 50 programming language few client libraries are redis-py, go-redis, Sidekiq​​

​​ Redis Data Type walkthrough:

Strings: Sasta Dictionary(HashMap/HashTable) ​😃​, where key will be string and value will be stored as either string or in bytes format.
​​ It contains-

  • ​​SET and GET are used to set and retrieve string key/values.
  • ​​MSET and MGET are used to set and retrieve multiple string values.
  • ​​XX : set if exists
  • ​​e.g → set a b xx
  • ​​NX: set if not exists
  • ​​e.g→ set a b xn
  • ​​Counters: To increment value of a key. Useful in page visitor count and similar places.
  • ​​Value should be an integer.
  • ​​commands-
  • ​​incr→ to increment value by 1
  • ​​incrby→ to increment value by x
  • ​​e.g: set a 1
  • ​​ incr a → get a #output=2
  • ​​incrby a 10 → get a #output=12

​​ Redis lists(DLL):Redis lists are linked lists of string values. Redis lists are frequently used to:

  • ​​Implement stacks and queues.
  • ​​Build queue management for background worker systems.
  • ​​LPUSH​ adds a new element to the head of a list; RPUSH​ adds to the tail.
  • ​​LPOP​ removes and returns an element from the head of a list; RPOP​ does the same but from the tails of a list.
  • ​​LLEN​ returns the length of a list.
  • ​​LMOVE​ atomically moves elements from one list to another.
  • ​​LTRIM​ reduces a list to the specified range of elements.​​


  • ​​A Redis hash is a collection of key-value pairs where the keys and values are strings. It is a versatile data structure that allows you to represent objects or entities in a structured way similar to dictionary in python

​​Basic commands -

  • ​​HSET​ sets the value of one or more fields on a hash.
  • ​​HGET​ returns the value at a given field.
  • ​​HMGET​ returns the values at one or more given fields.
  • ​​HINCRBY​ increments the value at a given field by the integer provided.
  • ​​HExists​ determines whether the provided key is present or not.
  • ​​HDel​ To delete particular key, return nil for non exists key.
  • ​​More hash commands click_here​​

​​Sorted sets:
A Redis Sorted Set is like a special kind of set but with an extra feature — each member (element) in the set is associated with a score, which is a numerical value. This score is used to order the elements in the set.

​​This can be useful in creating the leaderboard may be for top selling mutual funds, top clients etc.​​

​​Basic commands-

  • ​​ZADD​ adds a new member and associated score to a sorted set. If the member already exists, the score is updated.
  • ​​ZRANGE​ returns members of a sorted set, sorted within a given range.
  • ​​ZREM​ removes specific element from the sorted set.
  • ​​More sorted set command click_here

​​​​We’ve covered only few of the data type that is present in redis, however if you’re interested more in exploring click_here to proceed for official redis docs and filter by core data types.​​​

​​Few More important redis commands that you should know:

  1. ​​ FLUSHALL ​💣​ → This is very critical command and should be used carefully.​​ Removes all the keys from all the databases.​​

2. ​​FLUSHDB → Clears all keys and data in the currently selected database.

3. ​​KEYS [pattern] → Helpful to get the matched pattern keys. e.g keys *

4. ​​PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE → It’s a pub-sub pattern in redis like NATS.io where it can broadcast the messages to the subscribers and publisher can publish their messages.

​​Let’s understand pub-sub with the example of Mutual Fund:

  1. ​​Let’s say service_X has created a broadcasting channel named nfos​ . It will publish all the new NFOs detail which is created in the system.
  2. ​​Let’s say service_Y has subscribed the nfos​ channel, now it will get the event as soon as service_X publishes it.

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Mohd Mujtaba
Mohd Mujtaba

Written by Mohd Mujtaba

SDE-2 @ Wealthy.in | Built systems from scratch | Exploring new Technology

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